Hello my name is William from Pomona courthouse assuming that John Doe is the litigant let me guide you through the family law case cover sheet for Los Angeles County I want to bring to attention that I will approach this forum for general cases if you believe your case to be a typical please visit one of the self-help centers for assistance click here for information about the self-help centers ok so up here fill out the captions if you do not know how to fill out captions click here I have already pre filled out the captions for John Doe so let's move on I'm going to scroll down here for one a ride in your address so for our example I'm going to go ahead and write in john doe's address so let's go ahead and do that a street called mulberry link and city is omona state of california zip code is nine one seven six six here for one be writing the address of the respondent if he do not know the respondents address write an unknown like this so for our example I'm going to write and J and E those address so it's make one up here and four four two rusty Lane and she lives in West Covina California zip code as i-17 if you have minor children check yes and right in how many if you do not have minor children check No for our example John Doe has two minor children so we're gonna check off yes and in the blank space we will write two now four down here let me scroll down a lot of litigants go overboard because they want to check everything off they pick a lot of the other boxes apply to them however the...
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Mc-020 Form: What You Should Know
Click on PDF form. It downloads and exports in .pdf. You can download a copy to your computer or print directly from the site or download to your device of your choice: To print, just right-click on the link; no save button. No, the download to your PC is no longer possible since the site has been taken down due to spam and hacking. [Back to top] Other Forms Related to California Legal Process Other forms related to California legal process are: Civil Suit Forms in California — Civil suits in California are called litigation or actions in which a plaintiff brings an action in a court to recover money damages against another party under the applicable law of the state of California. The filing fee for a California civil suit is: 5,000.00 or 3 times the actual damages suffered by a plaintiff. For example, to seek 10,000 in damages against a party, the plaintiff must bring an action in Los Angeles County Small Claims Court in Los Angeles. If the case involves a person other than a resident of California, then that person must pay, without waiving any claims to court costs, the filing fee listed in the above description. Other Forms Related to California Legal Process Other forms related to California legal processes are: Civil Lawsuits in California — Civil lawsuits are called litigation which means that you have to bring these cases in the courts of the state of California. The filing fee for a California civil suit for which the maximum liability is 5,000.00 or three times the actual damages suffered by a plaintiff: 10,000.00, or 3 times the actual damages suffered by a plaintiff. For example, to seek 25,000.00 in damages, the plaintiff must bring an action in Los Angeles Small Claims Court in Small Claims.
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